Main gear hydraulic cylinder seals
06-04-2011, 09:27 AM
Mike | Main gear hyraulic cylinder seals
The original cylinders were control line. They may be hard to get now.
The EVANSBURG TOOL cylinders are on mine and newer ones.
The part #'s you need for the seals are as follows:
Main Gear Cylinder rebuild kit:
568-014 – oring on rod shaft
TP-011 – piston oring with kippers
568-024 – end cap oring
575-024T – end cap Teflon ring
U12-0.50.25T – U shaped seal for piston rod (need to press out brass bushing to replace)
Thanks to John Plane makers & John Parks you made it real easy. My local hydraulics place were able to get them in one day.
Mike Reibling