Creelman Page
Nope, this isn't a Seawind. This is the Aerocat, designed by Kirk Creelman and featured in the May 2004 Kitplanes Magazine. They ask: "Is this Seawind's Successor?" (Photo property of Creative Flight, used with permission)
This photo of the 200 hp Seawind prototype was sent out with some of the early Creelman promotional brochures. Notice the engine nacelle, and the main landing gear position (behind the step). ISPA member Gordon Granse was good enough to send me his original photo for scanning. Thank you Gordon.
The Seawind design was originally developed by Roger, Len, and Kirk Creelman in Haliburton, Ontario, Canada. The effort started in the early 1970s. The composite pages found below, are compiled from a few of Creelman's original newsletters that were sent out during the 1980s.
The ISPA is collecting these original newsletters, and any other material from the Creelman days and the origins of the Seawind to post on this site. If you have any of the first newsletters, or if you have any of the literature about the first 1/4 scale models, very early magazine articles, drawings, tech sheets, or anything, and are willing to provide me with a copy, please email me.
(Watch this page for more original material from the Creelman days!)
The photo to the right was included in the early Creelman Seawind promotional brochure (circa 1982).
Long time ISPA member Paul Rockel sent me his original 1982 brochure which will be scanned and included on the site in the near future.
(Thank you. Paul!)
Above is a sketch that was included with the newsletters (circa 1986-7). Note the MLG redesign details.
As far as I can tell from the information I have, the image above is the first published conceptual sketch of the Seawind on paper. According to our recent letter from Tony Irwin, the original conceptual design was drawn on sheetrock wall panels which we now believe have been destroyed or lost. The above sketch was sent to me by John Borman. I believe it is the earliest Seawind document I have to date. If you think otherwise, or have an earlier sketch, please send me a copy. (Thank you Tony Irwin and John Borman.)
The three photos below were included in a 1984 Creelman newsletter. They are photographs of the first 1/6 scale model prototype to be built. I believe these are the first published photographs of the Seawind as we currently know it. (Thank you John Borman)
Shown to the left is one of the earliest public appearances of a full size Seawind.
It was at the Expo '86 in Vancouver BC, Canada.
This full scale model was made from the first production molds.
(John Borman photo, thank you)
The page below is a composite from original Creelman material compiled by Brent Carlson on October 29, 2002. The logo is from the July / August 1987 newsletter when it first appeared. Likewise, the Letterhead is from the March / April 1987 newsletter, and the articles are from the January / February 1987 newsletter.