Devlin Aviation
Scott Devlin
1971 - 2004
This page is dedicated to our dear friend. The help he so freely gave us lives on.
Cowling for turbocharged Seawind being fitted at Devlin Aviation***
Devlin Aviation, located in Camas Washington, is developing the modifications necessary to adapt turbo charging to the Seawind. Of course, they are also engaged in building other Seawinds and other aircraft. This page contains a few photos of their shop and persons engaged in building. Their turbocharger adaptation uses the stock SNA engine mount. They are actuating the dual turbo waste-gates with a geared electric motor (proven method).
At least one of the Seawinds Scott has been involved in building is a non-quick-build kit. Among other things, he feels one of the most important considerations is build sequence and recommends the following:
1 Set wing incidence
2 Attach aft spar fittings
3 Position landing gear as a function of 1 & 2
4 Flap drive position is a function of the aft spar fitting clearance and the inboard flap hinge
5 Horizontal stab incidence is relative to wing incidence alone. That is the critical dimension. Wing incidence is 3 deg relative to the fuselage but that angle is not as critical as horizontal stabilizer to main wing.
Scott has developed a precise way to profile the airfoil. Shown is the profiling fixture on the wing. For additional information, see Scott's posts in the ISPA hangar.
One of the tricky processes in building a Seawind is proper alignment of the Main Landing Gear legs. They must fold into the fuselage and wing without binding, and then must fold down in perfect alignment so that the craft stays straight on the runway at 90+ MPH. Scott's method is shown here.
Devlin Aviation's employee Pat Davis, shown above in the radio/harness shop
Turbocharger throttle quadrant at Devlin Aviation. This quadrant, supplied by SNA Inc., is for a reversible (or beta) prop.
Some Seawind builders are pursuing the installation of a 3 rotor Mazda rotary engine. Pictured above is a 3 Rotor fitted with a Power-sports reduction drive taken at Atkins Aviation in Puyallup WA.
ISPA Member Scott Devlin, owner of Devlin Aviation, conducting water tests on a fuel vent water separator he is developing.
***The ISPA has no formal affiliation with Devlin Aviation or SNA Inc.